Monday, 18 November 2013

Some Research.

I thought that because I haven't posted in a while(which is a lie, because I posted an hour ago, but that's beside the point) I thought I should actually post some of my research on here that I have been doing during this lesson, as I've already done some at home that I need to finish but have made a good start too. So, during this lesson{this lesson being the OLC lesson that my group have with Ms.McAleer} I decided that I was going to try and do some more of my actual research, and share it on here.

So, to start it all off, I'm going to start talking about a music production that may or may not be known all to well. This music production company being called "Music Universe Group". In the production company "Music Universe Group" I will be taking a look at different things which include things such as the slogan, or things such as the logo for example. Just taking a look and seeing what is good about the production music, and what could maybe be better about them. I will also be looking if the music production company appeals to anyone, and if it does, what type of people does the actual company appeal too, as in some cases, some production company's only appeal to some people and not others.

The Logo.
In the logo for the music production company "Universal Music Group" I believe that the logo is basically just giving a clear view to what the company is all about. In the logo, there is a world, the world obviously representing the "universal" side the the name, which gives us a clear idea that this music production team, isn't just based in America for example, but works or has people on the team from across the world. I believe that the logo being two neutral colours, one colour being black, and the other colour being white, it shows that the target audience would be for young adults so around 15 to the age of around 30. I get this impression because of the look of the actual logo. The logo is in two simple colours, nothing outrageous is going on, which shows it would probably be aimed at someone mature. However, having the word 'Universal' going across the middle of the image, I believe shows that this logo could also be aimed at young adults as the image would appeal to those types of people. I believe that because of the simple layout of the logo, it isn't trying to impress children, because children would like wild looking, outrageous colours on a logo, whereas I think the more mature people, would think a simple looking, nothing wild, but a clear pointed logo better. I also believe that the target audience would be for a 15-30 year age group and I believe this because of just the text font underneath. If it were a child's music company, I would believe more appropriate text would be used however, as there is only a simple text font underneath the logo, it shows that this music company would be aiming more at a teen-to-adult sort of audience instead of aiming it at young generation.
The Slogan.
The music production company "Music Universe Group" doesn't have a slogan, and I believe that this certain production company doesn't have a slogan because it doesn't really actually need one, as the image of the logo, actually does this company justice. I don't think this certain music production company needs a slogan, because the music production company clearly shows a sophisticated-clear-view of who they want to appeal too, which is shown through the logo in my personal opinion. Perhaps, this music production company 'Music Universe Group' didn't need a logo, because there logo was already eye-catching enough so they didn't have to think of a logo, as the name and the logo of the production company I suppose already seems very fansinating and eye-catching to their particular audience that they have in mind. Having a logo with the particular music group would probably put off the idea that this music production company is mature and proper, as slogans are usually very cleverly made up which go alongside the logo, to make the certain production seem 'cool' and 'young' which I don't really believe that this certain music production company really wants to do, as it doesn't seem that type of music production company to me, unlike other company's such as Syco, which want the 'cool' and 'young' effect surrounding them, as they are usually looking for young people to join there business.
The Website.
So, first off I believe I should explain which site I looked at, this site being I took a look at this website because I was talking about the logo and the slogan, and how I believed the age-range and the target audience for this website was for young adults because of how mature the content that I have already seen looks.
After taking a look at the actual site "universal music group" I have noticed a lot of things are going on and are being displayed over the website. For example, I can see a lot of links which link to different parts of the website where people can look at, so there is a variety of where people can look. I believe at the idea of having links across the website is a good idea and I believe this because the view of the page, also known as the audience can take a lot of what's going on throughout the website and would be more intrigued if there was links being displayed. Some of the links displayed read things such as "artists":"news": "labels", "our company" and also "shop". I believe giving the links eye-catching names would benefit this website as it shows this website is mature and they know what they are doing.
The website for the music production company "universal music group" has a mature looking layout. The layout doesn't look over-complicated however, it does look mature, simple, organized and eye-catching towards its target audience. I believe that this music production company have actually put time and effort into making this website, and I believe this because it looks like they have thought about what they want to go on in the website, and what would look for their target audience and have put these ideas together, to come up with a website that I believe would benefit the target audience of the website, so music lovers and people who are interested in music. From the layout, I believe that they have made it mature, and what I mean by this is that the website doesn't look "wild" or "childish" however the website does look professionally designed in a mature and sophisciated manner which I believe would fit into their target audiences, as I believe their target audience are obviously people who are interested in music but also people who who are turning young adults or who actually are young adults.
Now, to begin on another new music production company. I am going to talk about a well known music production that goes by the name of "SONY" likewise what I did for the last one. I will be exploring SONY{which is obviously a music production company} and I will again, be taking a look at a few different things that are going on. So, for example, I will be looking at the logo, and express how I believe the logo is looking and why it might look like this. I will also be talking about other things such as the slogan of the company, if they have one of course. So basically, I will just be exploring what is going on with this music production company, and see who the actual company appeals too, or who it doesn't, as it isn't going to appeal to everyone. As SONY isn't obviously going to appeal to everyone, however it will have a target audience which will explain why it looks the way it does.
The logo!

For the logo of this particular music production company which is obviously shown in a bold font above "SONY MUSIC". I believe that what's going on in the logo is pretty clear. In the logo, obviously there is a big clear font which is being shown, with this big clear font, you can see that this particular music production company label, wants to be known, wants to be bold and wants to be seen. Although the logo isn't really detailed, with what's going on unlike other companys who have amazing logos, this logo is pretty clear who it's target audience is, which I will come back too. As you can see clearly in the logo, the logo text, is in a pretty bold and readable and understanding, with the logo being ''bold' it could suggest this music production company wants to stand out, which could suggest SONY music production is heading more towards a youth audience because of the way the text and the font is for this logo in particular. Furthermore, there is something else going on with the logo, which is the bright red colour being part of the logo; I believe that this suggests that, because of the use of the bright coloured curve on the logo that this shows that SONY music is showing that they are a "bright" and "colourful" and "joyful" music production company which allow again, to show that perhaps this particular music production company is for a younger audience again. By using the curve in the logo, this could also show they are intending on having a younger audience and I believe that this is intended because the logo design isn't a simple as it could of been, which could suggest that because of the use of a curve, that this logo for this music production wants to be a "bubbly" and "joyful" and "unique" experience for it's target audience, which then shows again that this logo is intending on a youthful audience compared to other music production companies. Although the layout is pretty simple, I still believe that the SONY music production logo is still eye-catching because of the way it looks and they way it uses bold fonts. I believe although it does look simple that, it does give a clear view of who they want to join there team and I believe this is shown throughout the logo design. Honestly, I believe that the 'target audience' for SONY music would probably be from "16-25" years old, I believe this because of the way the design of the logo looks. If it was for more mature people, I believe that this logo in particular would be more understanding and more mature than this one is, however, if it was for a younger audience I believe again that this logo would be more playful with the colours that they are audience, this is why I have settled for this target audience in particular, as the logo design does be 'playful' with the colours that it is using, however it doesn't go overboard.
The Slogan.
Unlike "Music Universe Group", SONY does have a slogan, the slogan being "make believe". This slogan that their is could show that SONY music wants to try and prove themselves to their intended target audience. So, for example when they use the verb 'make' it could tell the audience if they want something, that have to try and make it happen, so SONY is basically offering them a chance of having this, but the audience, so in this case, I believe 16 years old-25 years old want the audience to feel like they can make a difference with their lives, but they have to make it happen. Alongside this, by using the verb 'believe' I believe that they are saying they can make their dream turn into reality, unlike other music production companies that is around. I believe that the slogan of this company is basically telling the intended target audience that nothing is make believe if you join them, and everything is real, although it don't seem so.

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