In this lesson, so the lesson in the OLC with ms McAcleer, I am going to review the plot and how it uses different features during the film Seven, I will try and write as much as I can during this lesson about the plotline and other features that could go along with it.
In the lessons we've had with Mr Wallbank previously we have been watching a film called Seven which is sometimes known as ''Se7en". The film was a thriller which stars Brad Pitt{who played the character David Mills}. The film also stars an actor who goes by the name of Morgan Freeman, who plays the character{Willam Summerset}. Both these characters that they are playing are detectives who are trying to work out who the murderer was.
In the film which goes by the name of ''Seven'' it basically follows something called the 'Seven deadly sins". So in each murder that goes on, a deadly sin is left written in blood on the wall of the apartment that someone get murdered in. So, one I can remember is when a man who was fat-or you could even say obese, got made to keep feeding himself food. As the obese man couldn't take it anymore; he died and written on the wall in blood was the word "Gluttony"; which apparently is one of the seven deadly sins.
I believe the film ''Seven'' would have a target audience; the target audience I believe would be for people who like thrillers. This is an obvious thing I would say, because obviously if you enjoy watching films that have ''thriller'' in them, you would probably enjoy this film, however alongside this, this film I believe is rated PG, So it that case, this means that this film is rated for people who are probably 18+ unless they have a parent with them.
I will continue with this soon man. peace.
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